On our way back to US at end of last year, we make a short stop in Hong Kong to see an old friend and to do some sight seeing. Needless to say, we sample a lot of good food and did a lot of shopping too! The trip was fun!

Around 11pm on a Friday night at a subway station.

Big Buddha!

Somewhere around Central.


An old computer collector/recyclers. I wonder how he shut down at night, does he move everything back to his shop/house?

I think this is somewhere on Nathan Road.

A magnificent view from Victoria's Peak.

Another magnificent view from Victoria's Peak.

Ladies Market at night.

A small restaurant in Tsuen Wan which serve very good beef noodle soup.
More photos HERE.
3 Reply to "Hong Kong"
Petite Tish on March 3, 2008 at 3:34 AM
Colin Woon on March 3, 2008 at 6:32 AM
Thank you for your compliment!
I seriously doubt I can teach you anything but I definitely would like to learn photo composition from you!
You take some pretty good shots with a point and shoot, I can't imagine what you can do with a DSLR!
Petite Tish on March 4, 2008 at 2:59 AM
被你这么一说,我也开始好奇了... 到底给我一架DSLR的话,我能拍出什么东西来... 嗯,值得深思...
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